Monday, June 9, 2008

the armchairs are back!!

resident faves the armchairs are back on wqhs tomorrow evening! they'll be joining me again on-air from 6-8, and i can't wait to have them. if you had the chance to listen to the show last time, you know how much fun they are, and how good they are. if you missed it, well now's your chance to hear them. they're playing friday night at millcreek (hello yummy) and we couldn't be more excited to have them visiting west philly again... so listen in!!

6-8pm on

ALSO. see that sweet picture right there of the armchairs? i know you looked at it and thought damn, those are some badass colors. i love that picture. well, guess who took it? the guest on my show last week, rob patterson of plastic pancake and the silicon syrup
(formerly slothra). both bands played our april show at danger danger gallery and kicked ass. check them both out and redeem yourself if you weren't there, or enjoy again!

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