Friday, March 28, 2008

Make A Rising at Pilam Tonight

While most Penn students were in Cabo over SPRING BREAK!!! taking tequila shots and roasting in the sun, I was springbroke at home listening to Make A Rising's newest album and mentally packing my bags for tonight's voyage over a sea of horns and harmonies.

West Philly's own Make A Rising is playing tonight with Pterodactyl and Off the International Radar at Pilam (3914 Spruce St., 9 p.m., $5). Don't trust me or the tour guide to your left? Check out this week's Philadelphia Weekly:

"Skeptical? Pick up their new album Infinite Ellipse and Head With Open Fontanel, and slap on a pair of headphones. See what I mean? Insane though it is, the album gels better and more quickly than their previous effort—2005’s Pitchfork-lauded Rip Through the Hawk Black Night—and is as notable for its sense of control as for its careening energy. That said, if you thought Man Man were the most puckish live band in the town, you haven’t seen Make a Rising."
- Doug Wallen, Philadelphia Weekly

Get pumped, brahs. It's going to be a sweet trip.

(Photo by WQHS's own Maria Tessa Sciarrino)

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